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Buenos Aires

Don't miss anything


The cabildos were the form of state organization that established Spain at the time of the Viceroyalty. The Cabildo of the City of Buenos Aires was founded in 1580 by Juan de Garay, had a meeting room and a balcony that overlooked the square, as the cities grew the cabildos took importance and so modified its structure as its functions. The Cabildenses, neighbors who responded to the Spanish Crown, were responsible for the organization of the militias and the defense of the city, the administration of justice, the construction of public works, among other activities. In 1810 was the scene of the so-called 'week of May', on May 22 the Creoles met to discuss the legitimacy of the government and the Viceroy, consequently on the 25th May Revolution takes place, where the Viceroy Cisneros was overthrown authority elected by the Spanish Crown and gave rise to the first home government.

Buenos Aires


Not everyone was able to attend the Open Cabildo. The only ones authorized, besides the politicians and the military, were the married neighbors, settled and rooted in Buenos Aires.

In the courtyard of the Cabildo can be seen an "aljibe" baroque American style of 1835, which belonged to the house where Manuel Belgrano was born and died, who was a politician, military and creator of the Argentine flag.

Pratical Information


Free entrance. Optional contribution voucher $ 15


Bolívar, between Av. De Mayo and Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen