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Buenos Aires

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National College Buenos Aires

The National School Buenos Aires is the oldest educational establishment in the country was founded by the order of the Jesuits in 1662. It is part of what is known as the Apple of Lights. The school adopted various names such as Colegio Máximo de San Ignacio, Real Colegio San Carlos, until in 1863 President Bartolomé Miter signed a decree that ordered the State to take over the institution that was renamed the National College of Buenos Aires. At the beginning of the 20th century, the College became dependent on the University of Buenos Aires. The current building was designed by French architect Norberto Maillart in 1918.

The institution has one of the most important libraries in the city, it has an astronomical observatory, a microcinema, a swimming pool, laboratories, a sports field in Puerto Madero where various sports are practiced including sailing. At present, the National College of Buenos Aires is one of the most prestigious secondary education establishments in the City.

Buenos Aires


Two graduates of the National School of Buenos Aires were awarded the Nobel Prize, Carlos Saavedra Lamas received the Nobel Peace Prize and Bernardo Houssay received the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Every December the students about to finish celebrated the end of the course with the realization of the so-called "Olympic round", this consisted of different rites such as lathering a pig and walking around the school, throwing firecrackers inside the institution, scare with practical jokes to other students, among other customs, but because of the disturbances that these rituals caused at the present time it was replaced by "the graffiti", in a day previously agreed with the authorities of the school, the students realize in the exterior a war of painting as they peacefully walk the block of the school.

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Bolivar 263