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Buenos Aires

Don't miss anything

Weapons Museum

The Museum of Arms of the Nation owes its name to the Minister of War, Lieutenant General Pablo Riccheri (in the popular jargon usually called Ricchieri), who was its creator, together with President Julio Argentino Roca, in 1904. This museum is a journey through the history of the weapons of our country and the world, for its facade seems small, but in its interior has 18 rooms that in their entirety house a collection of more than 4,000 pieces, which begins in the twelfth century to this day, demonstrating the remarkable arms evolution that was given over the years. You can find weapons that were part of battles such as The Conquest of the Desert and the First and Second World War.

At present, this museum is considered one of the best in South America in terms of weapons, courses and activities are taught for those who want to expand their knowledge in this area.

Buenos Aires


We can find a dedicated room in honor of General José de San Martín, in which a replica of his corvo saber and a bust is exhibited, as well as paintings that recreate some of his most famous battles, such as San Lorenzo and Chacabuco.

Pratical Information


Not free.
Telephone: 4311-1071 / 79, internal 247


Av. Santa Fe 702