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Buenos Aires

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Legislature of the city of Buenos Aires

The Palace of the Buenosairean Legislature was begun to construct at the end of 1927 and it was inaugurated the 3 of October of 1931, the designer was the architect Hector Ayerza, who counted on the collaboration of the architect Edouard Him Monnier, both were inspired for the design in French neoclassicism of the eighteenth century.

The building consists of a subsoil, main floor, four floors and a central tower of 97 meters. At the level of the fourth floor, in a large cornice, we find an artistic complex of 26 statues that have been created by Argentine or foreign naturalized authors. Each statue symbolizes various aspects of urban life, on Peru to the Av. Julio A. Roca we find: the city, navigation, protection of childhood, social order, vigilance and providence, power and law, medical and chemical sciences and commerce; .. On Av Hipólito Yrigoyen to the intersection with Av Julio A. Roca found: markets, abattoirs, agriculture, music, history, architecture, athletics and painting; and on Av. Julio A. Roca we find: progress, aesthetics, vulcano, weight, character, justice, underground, pomona, building architecture and industry.

Buenos Aires


The tower, whose height reaches 97 meters houses a Westminster clock that is connected to five bells: Argentina, of 1,800 kilos of natural tone Do; La Porteña, of 1,000 kilos, of the E flat tone; The Santa María, of 500 kilos, of the tone The flat; La Niña, of 350 kilos, of tone B flat and La Pinta, of 250 kilos, of the tone Do natural. Its installation was directed by the German specialist Wilhelm Carl Heinrich Bornemann, watchmaker and ringer born in Hannover.

The carillon, which is located on the terrace of the building, is composed of 30 bells with a total weight of 27,350 kilos and can be used to play melodies by means of a wooden keyboard located in the tower. It is the largest musical instrument in South America.

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Peru 160, corner Av. Presidente Julio A. Roca