Tourist guides on your phone

What is Tourblink?

We share information and create apps for cities or museums that allow you to take self-guided tours. When you are alone, you often don't know which route to take and you lack quality information about what you are seeing. Private tours can be quite expensive, and with free tours, you have to follow the group's pace at a specific time, etc. We offer you:

Guided tours

Guided tours in the main districts or museums using images to guide you. No map, no GPS. We provide the image, the description, and where you need to go and see.


High-quality audioguides and useful, interesting information. Our Tourblinkers or local guides tell you the stories and secrets of each place with a unique style and vision.


No internet connection? Our apps can work offline and without GPS. All the apps are lightweight: no more than 40MB.

Share your knowledge and passion for your city with Tourblink

Become a Tourblinker

Travel with Tourblink

Planning your trip to any of these places? Get all the information you need! Everything is free!



Musée du Louvre

Louvre Museum

Musée du Vatican

Vatican Museum

Musée national d'anthropologie

National Museum of Anthropology

Musée d'Orsay

Orsay Museum

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires

Cimetière de Père Lachaise

Père Lachaise Cemetery



Santiago du Chili

Santiago de Chile






Saint Petersburg

Jardins de Versailles

Gardens of Versailles