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Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe is the great symbol that Napoleon Bonaparte had built to celebrate his military victories. He never saw its construction completed, but remains today as a monument to celebrate all the French and general victories in its history.

You have to imagine Napoleon the day after the Battle of Austerlitz, where he defeats a European coalition by telling his soldiers:
"You will only return to your homes under triumphal arches. " Said this, it orders by imperial decree its construction in 1806 that will only be finished 30 years later.

Today, in the center of the arch, there is the tomb of the unknown soldier of the First World War. The eternal flame commemorates the memory of soldiers killed in combat and will never extinguish. "Never again will anyone pass under this arch." Until in 1940 the German army enters victorious Paris and parading on the roundabout.

Some historical and curious facts of those who have passed under the arch:
- On December 15, 1840, the ashes of Napoleon, brought from St. Helena, pay homage to the desire Napoleon could never make in life.
- The body of Victor Hugo is veiled under the arch on the night of May 22, 1885, before being buried in the Pantheon.
- On August 7, 1919, the pilot Charles Godefroy manages to go by plane under the arch.
- In October 1981, Alain Marchand made the same step of Godefroy and was sentenced to a fine of 5000 francs at the time.


Pratical Information


Charles de Gaulle Etoile (Line 1 or RER A)
Place Charles de Gaulle, Paris District 8